Welcome to Pop Spirit

Explore my music and learn more about my creative journey

"In the face of fear, dare to venture into the new."


Pop Spirit is the creative alias of a self-taught pop music producer, mixer, guitar player, and songwriter who has been passionately crafting music since 2011. With a love for catchy melodies, shimmering synths, reverberant guitars, and dynamic drum samples, Pop Spirit creates music that defies conventional labels but resonates deeply with the pop ethos.

Pop Spirit's music is a heartfelt reflection of a personal journey through life’s ups and downs. Each track echoes dreams, tears, and laughter, weaving a tapestry of sound that tells a unique and compelling story. The authenticity and emotional depth found in Pop Spirit's work are a testament to a belief that art is a reflection of our existence—an expression where there is no right or wrong, only the joy of creation.


Adopting the philosophy that everything in life is a creation and we are creations ourselves, Pop Spirit embraces the notion that if you like what you create, that is good enough. This mantra underscores a liberating approach to artistry, encouraging self-expression and celebrating the intrinsic value of personal creativity.

Pop Spirit invites listeners to join this musical journey, to find their own stories within the songs, and to remember that in the world of art, each of us is good enough.


I've heard it all: to succeed, you need to work tirelessly, be the dumbest in the room, make sacrifices, use specific samples and plugins, and reach the high industry standards. But I've found that this isn't my truth.

Every day, I take a baby step towards my goals, allowing life to unfold naturally. If I like what I'm creating, then that's what I go with. Standards? They're just standards. I've learned that everyone has their own agenda, and that includes me.

Follow your own path. Who cares what they say? Be the creator of your own world. Break the rules.